
Social Security Disability May Be an Option for People With Severe Vertigo 

Vertigo—the sensation that you’re spinning, or the world is whirling around you—can significantly disrupt your daily activities and make holding a job difficult, if not impossible. Though the Social Security Administration (SSA) doesn’t typically classify vertigo as a condition that qualifies for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), severe, frequent, or long-lasting episodes can be disabling and could make you eligible for benefits. 

Phillip M. Hendry Law can help you explore your eligibility, complete the application, and pursue the vital SSDI benefits you need and deserve. Contact us to schedule a free consultation about your SSDI claim and find out how we can assist you.

Even with a severely disabling medically determinable impairment (MDI) like vertigo, getting approved for the disability benefits you deserve can be challenging and requires proving that your condition prevents substantial gainful activity and is as disabling as a qualifying disease or disorder. This isn’t as easy as it sounds. Thankfully, our knowledgeable and experienced Louisiana legal team is here to assist you every step of the way.

Examining Vertigo’s Effects on Daily Activities and Employment

Vertigo can dramatically affect your daily life, making it challenging to perform routine tasks and maintain steady employment. This issue—which is a symptom rather than a standalone condition—can cause problems with balance, coordination, and concentration, making driving or operating machinery unsafe. 

Additionally, accompanying symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and dizziness can further impair functioning and productivity in and out of the workplace. The result: significant barriers to employment, especially in jobs requiring physical exertion, focus, or coordination. 

Individuals suffering from vertigo may struggle to maintain regular attendance, meet productivity expectations, or perform other essential job duties, ultimately impacting their ability to engage in and sustain substantial gainful employment.

Reviewing the SSA’s Eligibility Criteria for SSDI

If a medical condition prevents you from working and earning a substantial income, you may be eligible for SSDI benefits. Overseen by the SSA, SSDI is a federal program that provides monthly financial assistance to qualifying individuals who cannot work due to severe and long-lasting disabilities. To qualify for SSDI, you must:

  • Have a medically determinable impairment that prevents substantial gainful activity and is expected to last for at least 12 months or result in death.
  • Have earned sufficient work credits working in jobs that pay into the Social Security system via payroll taxes.
  • Meet or equal a listing in the Blue Book, a medical guide that includes qualifying conditions and eligibility criteria.

Equaling a Listing to Prove That Your Severe or Chronic Vertigo Qualifies for Disability Benefits

Proving the severity of your vertigo to qualify for SSDI benefits can be difficult to accomplish and requires providing comprehensive medical evidence documenting your diagnosis, treatment history, and any functional limitations your treatment causes. This may include physician reports, diagnostic test results, treatment records, and statements from health care providers detailing the impact of vertigo on your daily functioning and ability to work.

When evaluating SSDI applications for vertigo, the SSA specifically wants to review records from visits with your neuro-otolaryngologist, better known as an ear, nose, and throat specialist, as well as the results of pure tone audiometry, speech audiometry, Békésy audiometry, and vestibular function testing. 

Our Experienced SSDI Lawyer Helps Clients With Disabling Vertigo Navigate the Social Security Disability System to Gain Approval for Benefits

Living with severe vertigo is overwhelming enough without having to navigate the grueling SSDI application process on your own. Let Phillip M. Hendry Law assist you with gathering the necessary medical evidence, completing the application paperwork accurately, and ensuring that the SSA correctly evaluates your claim. With our expertise and advocacy on your side, you can increase your chances of receiving much-needed SSDI benefits.