social security disability insurance denial appeal

Appealing a Denial? Why You Want a Lawyer for Your Hearing With an Administrative Law Judge

Many Social Security Disability Insurance applications are initially denied. If that has happened to you, you’re not alone. The good news is you can appeal the denial. Though the process can be complex, appeals involving a qualified SSDI attorney have a higher chance of approval. 

One level of the appeal process is a hearing with an administrative law judge (ALJ), and it’s especially important to have a lawyer for this part of the process. Phillip M. Hendry Law has the skill and experience to help you with every step of your appeal, including the hearing. Find out why having a knowledgeable SSDI lawyer gives you the advantage and how we can help you fight for your benefits. 

SSDI Denials Are Common 

Having your initial SSDI application denied can feel disheartening, but for many, this is more like a first step toward gaining the disability insurance you need. According to a Social Security Administration (SSA) study, 67% of applications are denied, so it’s not unusual for applicants to face this seeming road-block. While applications are denied for many reasons, one of the most common is insufficient evidence. The SSA evaluates many different aspects when making a decision for disability. This is where an experienced Louisiana SSDI lawyer can help. Phillip M. Hendry Law can help to ensure you have all the evidence necessary for your appeal. 

Levels of Appeals 

If you’ve received a denial of your SSDI application, there are several levels of appeals. These include: 

  • Requesting a reconsideration
  • Attending a hearing with an administrative law judge
  • Review of the hearing decision by the Appeals Council
  • Federal court review 

What Is an Administrative Law Judge Hearing? 

There is a difference between a request for reconsideration vs. a request for a hearing. If your request for reconsideration is denied, you have the right to appeal through an administrative law judge hearing. This is a proceeding in which an independent federal judge who specializes in administrative law will make a decision on your Social Security Disability Insurance appeal. 

Although these hearings are considered informal and may be held in a conference room rather than in court, testimonies are given under oath, and the hearing is recorded. At the hearing, the judge will: 

  • Review records and evidence
  • Listen to testimonies
  • Ask questions of you and any witnesses

Even if you did not have an attorney’s help with your initial application, having an experienced SSDI lawyer advise you on the hearing process can help you have a higher chance of approval. It’s important to note that you only have 60 days from denial to appeal the decision. 

How an Attorney Can Help With Your ALJ Hearing

Having an attorney who is knowledgeable about administrative law hearings for SSDI appeals can be highly beneficial. Phillip M. Hendry has extensive experience with SSDI claims and can help with the details of the hearing, including:

  • Gathering sufficient evidence: Your attorney can help gather and present essential medical information and detailed notes to seek a successful outcome.
  • Presenting consistent facts: Your lawyer can also ensure information in the appeal does not contradict your original application.
  • Knowing the judge: An attorney can use their knowledge of the judge to their advantage, presenting a case specifically geared toward convincing that judge.  
  • Being prepared for questions: Your lawyer will know the types of questions the judge will ask and how to answer to help your case be successful 
  • Offering testimonies and support: An experienced SSDI attorney will know how to present testimonies, ask vocational experts or other witnesses questions, or get medical opinions that could help your case.
  • Preparing briefs: Your attorney can prepare a brief for the judge about your case.
  • Preparing you for the hearing: The details and documentation required for your appeal can be complex, but your attorney can guide you through each step. 
  • Meeting deadlines: Your legal team will use their knowledge of the process to ensure you meet all appeal deadlines. 

While a lawyer is not required for your appeal or ALJ hearing, an attorney can help you handle your case as effectively as possible and take on the majority of the work for you.

Phillip M. Hendry Law Can Fight for the Benefits You Deserve

Simply having an attorney increases the likelihood of approval; their willingness to take your case demonstrates to the judge that you have a serious and long-term medical issue. When you turn to a lawyer who is highly skilled in SSDI, you can have peace of mind knowing that your appeal is in good hands. With over 30 years of experience in SSDI law, Phillip M. Hendry knows all the details of the appeal process and can guide you through every step involved with the ALJ hearing and beyond. 

You don’t have to face your SSDI appeal alone. We can take on the challenging appeal process for you and help you be as prepared as possible for your hearing. Fight for the benefits you deserve with Phillip M. Hendry Law on your side. 

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